Terms of use
Last updated on February 27, 2024
FZF CAPITAL LTDA. (“FZF Capital”), a legal entity governed by private law, registered with the CNPJ under No. 37.029.647/000-56, with registered offices at Rua Casa do Ator, n. 1117, conjunto 161, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo, SP - CEP 04546-004, presents the “Terms of Use” of its website (https://www.fzfcapital.com/). For the purposes of this term, “USER” refers to the person who will use the services and information through the website.
FZF Capital is committed to preserving the privacy and security of users, with such data processing being carried out in strict compliance with applicable laws and regulations, particularly with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the General Data Protection Act (LGPD).
Portal and Access
Access to the fzfcapital.com portal is free and requires no registration. Users must register if they are interested in receiving the newsletter by e-mail, which is sent free of charge.
To receive the FZF Capital Newsletter, which is sent free of charge by e-mail, the user must access the “sign up” option on the site and provide the following mandatory data: e-mail address. The data provided will not be sold or passed on. FZF Capital reserves the right to use the registered e-mail address to send advertising campaigns. You can unsubscribe directly from the website at the following link: https://l1nq.com/AOi3x.
FZF Capital does not guarantee that the system will function 24 hours a day due to eventual power outages and similar problems but commits to making every effort to contact the service providers to minimize disruption.
To continuously improve the browsing experience on our website, we may collect information and data about your browsing experience. For example, the type of browser, computer, cell phone, IP address and the web pages and services most frequently accessed.
Some of the Portal’s pages may also store cookies, which are small files installed by websites on computers when the internet browser is used. The data will not be sold or passed on.
All personal data provided by USERS will be stored in FZF Capital's database. The information collected will be stored under strict information security practices.
The personal data provided by USERS will be retained for as long as their registration is active. This data will be stored until a request for deletion is made.
FZF Capital may keep the USER's personal data active even after a request for deletion if necessary to comply with legal obligations.
FZF Capital commits to preserving the privacy and security of users, with such data processing being carried out in strict compliance with applicable laws and regulations, particularly with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the General Data Protection Act (LGPD).
The USER acknowledges that they have analyzed and accepted the conditions of use. FZF Capital has the right to change these Terms at any time. Modifications will come into effect immediately after publication on our website, which is why the user is invited to consult this section periodically. Continued use of our services constitutes acceptance of any changes or modifications made to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
If the USER does not agree, even in part, with the terms and conditions present in these Terms, they should not access and/or use the services offered by the website, as well as the services operated by it.
If we are processing your personal data with your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time by changing your USER settings, specifying which consent you are withdrawing.
Contact us
If you have any questions regarding the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, please contact: contato@fzfcapital.com
The Central Court of the District of São Paulo, SP, is hereby elected to settle any disputes arising from these Terms of Use, which shall be governed by Brazilian law.
FZF Capital